Dimarzio 'nun çıkışı en yüksek manyetiklerinden biri. Hatta listedeki 4. en yüksek çıkışlı manyetiği (ondan yüksekler X2N > D-Activator X > D-Activator > DP200) Duble krem. Muhtemelen 80lerin ilk veya 2. yarısından. İlgimi çekecek Dimarzio, Duncan veya Suhr humbuckerlarla takas düşünebilirim. Manyetik hakkında merak ettiklerinize "Tone Journey" adlı blogumdan ulaşabilirsiniz. DC direnci, indüktansı, tonları vs epey detay var orada. Steve Morse has a unique approach to playing guitar, and we designed his pickups to match his technique. Steve commonly switches between pickups mid-solo — playing the neck pickup on the high notes and the bridge pickup on the lows — so both pickups must be evenly-balanced over the entire fingerboard. The Steve Morse Model™ Bridge delivers high output and a strong attack centered on the mids. It is also designed to give more definition when Steve plays harmonics. The Steve Morse Model™ Bridge was DiMarzio's first artist signature pickup. It is almost exactly the opposite of the Neck Model. It has a lot of power and a strong upper mid-range peak which makes the low notes really pop with a hard pick attack. It has relatively low DC resistance for a high-output pickup, so the lows are very tight. They don't sound muddy even with very high gain amps. Output: 450mV Bass: 4,5 Low Mid: 5,5 Uppermid: 7,5 Treble: 5
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